Social media handle(s): LinkedIn
A few words about me:

I’m a mad cat lady millennial down on the North Devon coast, making the most of the summer sunsets and fresh sea breeze.
Despite my beach bum lifestyle, when it comes to career ambition, I always wanted to be a business woman when I grew up, whatever that means …
I’m very fortunate to have found my place in the tech industry, in particular cybersecurity strategy and risk. It’s enabled me to make a real difference, by putting my business lens on cyber risk.
Are there any professional experiences you've had that are quite unexpected compared to what you do nowadays?
I started my career in marketing and to this day still love it. As I’m a creative person generally (in my spare time I do a bit of art or wind down with games), I found that it was one of my strengths but didn’t push myself out of my comfort zone enough to feel satisfied in my role.
I am continuously learning new skills to adapt and this is why a fast paced and 'every day is different' industry such as cybersecurity has been somewhere I have found yield the past 8+ years.
Is your background more STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) or non-STEM related?
I have a business focused and creative background so I would say no, it’s not your typical STEM background.
However, the skills my background has given me has helped me thrive in the technology industry and I am passionate about empowering people with any background that there are a variety of roles across STEM they would excel in.
"Go for it! The industry needs people with diverse skillsets so there will be a role that you are suited to."
Where did your professional journey start?
It goes back to GCSE business studies where my curiosity for organisations really grew and got me interested in watching programmes such as Dragons Den and the Apprentice. This furled my ambition to pursue the business studies subject further so I could find organisations I was passionate about and learn more about my own strengths that I could bring to the table.
How did you get into tech and what motivated you?
I went on to do A level business then a BA in Business Studies with Marketing. I didn’t know what I wanted to do long term career wise after this, just that I wanted to make a difference to organisations I liked. As I was also curious how advancements in technology were contributing to so many business’ success, this is somewhat how I landed in the tech industry.
Currently at KPMG, I enable organisations to make more informed decisions when it comes to cyber risk management, through the adoption of, and as an ambassador of cyber risk quantification practices. I’ve lead multiple cyber risk engagements, from delivering crisis simulations to critical national infrastructure organisations, to assessing the cyber risk and developing a security services strategy for a world-leading health provider.
And to wrap up, is there any advice you'd like to give to others interested in a career in tech?
Go for it! The industry needs people with diverse skillsets so there will be a role that you are suited to.
Find something you’re so passionate about so that it feels like you’re not working, you’re doing something you enjoy.