Social media handle(s): LinkedIn
A few words about me:

I'm a Marketing Expert and Entrepreneur with over 17 years of experience in global marketing roles at some of the world's leading digital advertising companies, including PubMatic, MediaCom, AOL/The Huffington Post, and Zenith.
As the Global Marketing Director at Unruly, I managed the marketing operation during the 2020 acquisition from News Corp to Tremor International. In 2021, after the Unruly acquisition, I founded and now run my own B2B Marketing consultancy and Female network both called Wildflowers of London.
In my spare time, I enjoy singing, jazz music and cooking up a storm.
Are there any professional experiences you've had that are quite unexpected compared to what you do nowadays?
I started off my career as a Media Planner and Buyer at one of the large agency groups - I knew I was in the right field, but not necessarily the correct role.
I moved about a bit before being given a chance to work at AOL and the Huffington Post - being on the media owner side versus agency started to make more sense for me. I then managed to move myself into more of a marketing role and the rest is history.
Is your background more STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) or non-STEM related?
My background is non-STEM related as I studied Modern European Languages and Studies at uni and I didn't study STEM subjects after GSCEs - but I still have an avid interest in sciences - Maths not so much!
Where did your professional journey start?
I didn't have a plan - I have to be honest it is was just a little bit of trial and error. I knew what I didn't want to do, rather than what I did, and then I just tried to seek out more of what I liked.
When I had the opportunity to go freelance and start my own boutique consultancy, it really gave the ability to be able to craft the working style and career journey that I wanted for myself.
How did you get into tech and what motivated you?
As I said there wasn't a grand plan - but technology and digital marketing in particular was very interesting to me and when I was able to work on exciting digital marketing and avertising strategies from the inception of some media channels or platforms this was really exciting for me.
I knew a world before Twitter, Spotify, Google and Facebook/Meta and a world after them and what this has meant for digital marketing and the whole marketing ecosystem.
Have you experienced any 'career in tech' challenges / stereotypes?
It is still very male and very white - so it is something that you have to get used to if you aren't like that. This is changing, though slower than one would like.

"Go for it - as I said there is a job and place for everyone - it is just finding out what interests you and going for it wholeheartedly..."
What you wish you knew before getting started in tech...
There is a job in tech for everyone - whether you are good at Math or not! :)
What has been your biggest 'wow!' moment related to working in tech so far?
I wouldn't actually say there is one - it is sort of like a compendium... A snowball effect of everything coming together to create such disruption and convergence at the same time. I find it fascinating and the inclusion of AI will only now go on to create more disruption and convergence in the tech space.
What do you like / not like about working in tech?
I like the constantly evolving landscape in which you are forever learning.
What I do not like is being bored so this industry works for me!
"There is a job in tech for everyone - whether you are good at Math or not!"
What's been your favourite / most memorable / funniest 'career in tech' moment so far?
I can't really in point one thing to be honest - or the ones I can pinpoint are not really PC so cannot be shared unfortunately.
And to wrap up, is there any advice you'd like to give to others interested in a career in tech?
Go for it - as I said there is a job and place for everyone - it is just finding out what interests you and going for it wholeheartedly - my motto is fortune favours the brave!