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Penny Hooper: from Psychology & Forensics to Principal Security Analyst

A few words about me:

Penny with shoulder-length blonde hair and a velvet green blazer

I was always labelled as different, with a story that I thought no one else could possibly relate, but it wasn't until I hit my thirties and starting my cyber security career that I found out why I was so different. Finding the missing piece to the puzzle that is my life.

By chance I came across 'Selective Mutism', and everything about it made sense; I had Selective Mutism as a child.

Are there any professional experiences you've had that are quite unexpected compared to what you do nowadays?

Roles, not really. My education is probably unique, as I spent a year on the UK's Defence Academy learning Forensics. I took apart guns, fired them on the small arms range, and danced, ate and drank with high-profile military people at exclusive military events.

Is your background more STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) or non-STEM related?

Definitely STEM. After school, I went straight into Software Development at college, although I passed a BTEC National Diploma, I quit a Higher National as I was constantly questioning my ability. This was from a result of people constantly knocking me down. So, I decided to quit before I failed.

But when I hit my mid-twenties, I decided to go back as I was unchallenged at work, I did a BSc in Psychology with the Open University. Five years later, I wasn't done and did a MSc in Forensic Investigation at Cranfield University. This involved modules in Digital Forensics, Intelligence and Ballistics, writing a thesis on firearm sales on the dark web.

Where did your professional journey start?

Even after gaining both a BSc and a MSc, I still didn't believe I was clever enough. I struggled with rejection upon rejection of job applications after graduating, including some big organisations in the police, government, and military - failing miserably on a test to get into the RAF to the point I actually remember the lad who showed me my results and say 'you didn't even score high enough for so-and-so'.

But when I came across a position as a SOC Analyst working in a Security Operations Centre in Inverness, I applied anyway - I had to keep trying, even if it was to keep my Universal Credit! I remember getting an invite for an interview, which I had to travel all the way to Inverness for, but remember telling myself; at least, I have seen more of the beautiful highlands while travelling on the train up. But, I must have done well, as a month or two later, I was packing up and moving to Inverness!

How did you get into tech and what motivated you?

My father was a techie, he pushed me to get into Software Development after school. I remember him suggesting how well paid Java programming was at the time (you can guess what he used to do - I actually wanted to be a mechanic myself!) Although, I admit, programming is my least favourite tech subject, it did play a part in my future career.

At first, I told myself that I never wanted to work on a computer again, likely in my teenage angst refusing to even look at a computer again. For years I was in and out of Administration roles, I was struggling with my mental health, which the un-challenging and dead-end roles I kept getting didn't help. I even tried to escape to Australia.

It wasn't until I decided to bite the bullet and go back to university that I was unaware of the path I was now on that would get me to where I needed to be. I started to find myself enjoying more of the technical and statistical parts of my Psychology degree - the experiments, manipulating data, creating an interactive piece of software, using statistical software to gain my results - I realised that I was likely not going to escape working in tech.

I still didn't know then that I was going to get into cyber security, as I was adamant it was only reserved for those who were extremely clever - Mensa level clever - and was worried about having to go back to programming. I originally thought I wanted to get into something like Data Analysis. If I could suck up my love-hate relationship with programming, maybe even Data Science, I remember doing a small online course and thoroughly enjoying it. So, I applied for MSc in Data Science at multiple different universities.

But there was a particular MSc that kept resurfacing in my memories. When I was in Australia all those years ago, not having the best time of my life as I was stuck in the house with a black cloud above my head, I spent a lot of time on the internet. In one 'pick yourself up' moment, I decided that I was going to get back to the UK, and I was going to do something with my life.

I remember coming across this Masters programme at Cranfield University which involved Forensic Explosives, Ballistics and many others. So, I found that university again, thankfully, and amongst my applications for Data Science and Data Analysis MScs, I applied for a MSc in Forensic Investigation. When I got a conditional offer from a few universities, including Cranfield, I literally had to make a head or heart decision. My heart won.

Have you experienced any 'career in tech' challenges / stereotypes?

Stereotypes; your typical ones. I'm female, which comes with its own stereotypes. I'm also neurodivergent, so I've had many stereotypes associated with that too. These also come with their own challenges, such with my aphantasia (difficulty seeing objects clearly in my mind), audio-processing issues, over-stimulated by lights and sounds (sometimes even smells) which is mostly prevalent in an office-environment, and the awkwardness of socialising and understanding social cues.

But the biggest challenge has certainly been my Selective Mutism (sometimes called Situational Mutism). Selective Mutism is a rare anxiety condition which can cause a person to be mute or quiet in certain 'situations' (for myself this was at school, and my quietness developed into a whisper). Majority of the time, it is presented in children. This can, however, go on into adult life.

Some children, like myself, do manage to 'escape' it. I say that with quotations as I will never really escape it exactly. Imagine someone finding out that your brand name is 'The Girl Who Whispered' and them whispering at you, and thus causing you discomfort as a result, taking you back to the days you were bullied at school for whispering.

In terms of when I am at work, this can manifest itself in group discussions. Imagine being forced to speak, which then takes me back to school and my childhood when I was forced to speak against my will. And now imagine trying to explain to a group of professionals why you need to excuse yourself for a moment when there is a lack of understanding around the condition.

"Find the area you enjoy and stick to it. Tech is a rewarding but challenging career, it's always growing and expanding. It helps if you enjoy what it is you're doing."

What you wish you knew before getting started in tech...

The tech world can be for everyone; you don't have to have a background in tech necessarily. And you certainly don't have to be an amazing programmer! Not only that, but everyone's unique experiences can help, regardless of your background. In fact, these unique experience can benefit the company you work for.

Imagine a new piece of software is being designed for the population; that population is made up of people from various demographics; male and female, young and old, whether they have disabilities, physical or otherwise, from different cultural backgrounds, you name it. Those people are needed to help inform the design of that piece of software!

What has been your biggest 'wow!' moment related to working in tech so far?

For myself personally; I am wowed every day that I am able to work in the field I am in. Not only am I extremely thankful to those who have encouraged me, but I am extremely proud of myself for getting through the struggles I had in life to get here.

What do you like / not like about working in tech?

With anything, there's always going to be good things and bad things about working in tech. I love the challenges I face almost every day - although I might disagree if I come across a particular challenge that keeps me up at night because my neurodivergent brain refuses to turn off, or even when I cannot solve it. I love working with such a diverse people, even though tech can be very male-dominated, I am privileged enough to have worked with others from other demographics and enjoy learning new things as a result.

However, there is still a lot to be done about the restraits around the corporate world; namely the taboos of a decent work-live balance, less-than flexible working and being mostly male-dominated still. Thankfully, I am in a position where I am fully remote and everyone actively welcomes strict days and times of working, so there's not the worries of feeling guilty leaving on time to just have a respite, but tech is still very much male-dominated and I would love to see more women/girls/females joining the career.

"The tech world can be for everyone; you don't have to have a background in tech necessarily. And you certainly don't have to be an amazing programmer! Not only that, but everyone's unique experiences can help, regardless of your background. In fact, these unique experience can benefit the company you work for."

What's been your favourite / most memorable / funniest 'career in tech' moment so far?

This one is hard to answer as there are so many; not only in my current position as there's many opportunities to make memories and take time to laugh with colleagues. I've also had many memories in previous roles too. But the most memorable moment would certainly be meeting a now good friend of mine from a previous role; we've become such good mates that we did our motorbike test together.

And to wrap up, is there any advice you'd like to give to others interested in a career in tech?

Find the area you enjoy and stick to it. Tech is a rewarding but challenging career, it's always growing and expanding. It helps if you enjoy what it is you're doing.


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